2024 STR Trends Explained

If you’ve been following the STR news cycle, you’ll have noticed that everyone is talking about how the STR market is down & no longer a lucrative investment. Our client’s STR properties are living proof that these investments can still be highly profitable—as long as they’re done right.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the Short-Term Rental (STR) market, there's a pervasive notion that the golden era of high profitability has faded away. News cycles are filled with discussions about diminishing returns and the challenging nature of the current market. However, it's crucial to recognize that the decline in profitability is not universal but rather a result of the high saturation of average STR properties. In reality, it's the average STR investments that aren't reaping the same rewards as before.

Our clients' success stories serve as a testament to the fact that STR properties can still be highly profitable, provided they are executed with precision and strategic planning. Let's delve into the case of the Ft. Lauderdale, Florida STR market, where average earnings have been on a downward trajectory over the past year. Despite this market trend, our clients in Ft. Lauderdale consistently achieve frequent bookings at high average daily rates, outperforming the market average and showcasing the potential for success with the right approach.

Fort Lauderdale, FL STR market averages in 2023 vs. one of our client's 2023 performance

The Key to Success: Strategic Investments

It's evident that to thrive in the current STR market, property owners must make strategic investments that set their listings apart from the competition. Here are some essential elements that can make a significant difference in your property's profitability:

  1. Amenities that Delight Guests: In a market saturated with average offerings, providing unique and desirable amenities can be a game-changer. Consider investing in features that enhance the guest experience, such as a private pool, a well-equipped kitchen, or smart home technology. These additions not only attract bookings but also allow you to command higher nightly rates.
  2. Design Driven by Market Research: One of the most effective ways to stand out in a competitive STR market is through thoughtful and market-driven design. Understanding the preferences of your target audience and incorporating design elements that align with local trends can significantly boost your property's appeal. In Phoenix, Arizona, for example, the desert-chic aesthetic is currently a hit among guests, making properties that embrace this style more sought after.
  3. Professional Photography: The importance of visually appealing content cannot be overstated in the digital age. Professional photography can make a substantial difference in how your property is perceived online. Invest in high-quality images that showcase the unique features of your space, creating an enticing visual narrative that captures the attention of potential guests.


As the STR market continues to evolve, the key to success lies in strategic investments that differentiate your property from the sea of competition. While average properties may face challenges in maintaining profitability, those that stand out with unique amenities, market-driven design, and captivating photography continue to thrive.

In 2024, savvy investors are redefining the narrative, proving that with the right approach, Short-Term Rentals can be not only a lucrative venture but also a sustainable and rewarding one. Embrace the evolving trends, invest wisely, and watch your property become a sought-after gem in the competitive landscape of the STR market.


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